Cryotherapy Benefits

While new to many of our clients here in Boston, Cryotherapy benefits are well-documented across the world! Cryotherapy originated in the 1970s when a Japanese doctor created the treatment to help reduce pain and inflammation for his patients that were suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Cryotherapy then spread to Europe, and is now increasing in popularity throughout the U.S. As popularity increases, so does the research behind Cryotherapy treatments – and the results have been astounding:

Cryotherapy Benefits:
Health & Wellness

  • Relieve chronic pain and inflammation from joint disorders, rheumatoid disease, fibromyalgia and autoimmune diseases 
  • Ease muscle soreness and spasms 
  • Promote a faster recovery post-surgery or injury (combined with physical therapy) 
  • Alleviate symptoms associated with anxiety, depression, fatigue, insomnia, migraines, and stress
  • Elevate mood levels by releasing the “happy” endorphins in your body leaving you to feel refreshed and invigorated 

Cryotherapy Benefits:
Fitness and Sports


  • Accelerate muscle recovery from stress of training and workouts
  • Boost athletic performance and stamina 
  • Reduce inflammation, pain and swelling
  • Increase testosterone levels in men

Cryotherapy Benefits:

  • Stimulate collagen production which can help improve skin elasticity and minimize visible signs of aging 
  • Kickstart your metabolism to promote weight loss 
  • Improve skin conditions- including psoriasis, dermatitis, blemishes and acne 
  • Reduce cellulite and even skin tone 
cryobostonCryotherapy Benefits